JJ's Book and Movie Recommendations

A=Action, B=Biography, C=Classics, CH=Children’s Lit, CL=Chick Lit, COM=Comedy, D=Drama, F=Fantasy, H=Historical Fiction, I=Inspirational, M=Mystery, P=Political, R=Romance, S=Suspense, SF=Science Fiction, SH=Self-Help, T=Theology, TT=Time Travel, W=Women’s Issues/Feminism, WE=Western, YA=Young Adult

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Favorite Poem: Upon Julia's Clothes

Upon Julia's Clothes
Robert Herrick

Whenas in silks my Julia goes,
Then, then, methinks, how sweetly flows
The liquefaction of her clothes!

Next, when I cast mine eyes and see
That brave vibration each way free,
—O how that glittering taketh me!