Movie: The Polar Express (CH)

I went to see The Polar Express with family over Christmas, including some kids, and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. The story was well-developed, the characters were interesting and multifaceted, and I had no real complaints (except for the whole Santa thing). Some characters experienced meaningful growth, and there was a strong African-American female that really stole the show. CGI effects continue to improve, although they still can't make hair that behaves like real hair.
Tom Hanks seems to play every adult man in the film, and many of them look like him as well. Tom Hanks is great, and his warmth and sense of humor really shone here.
Here's a funny: I watched this movie right after a Wile E. Coyote marathon; thankfully, the scene in The Polar Express where the kids begin walking on a train track through a dark elevated tunnel did NOT end the way I feared. ;)
This was my first IMAX film, and I would definitely seek out another film on IMAX. The huge screen, plus the 3-D planetarium type effect, makes for an enjoyable moviegoing experience. If you have to watch a film about Santa, The Polar Express has a lot to offer.
Grade: A