JJ's Book and Movie Recommendations

A=Action, B=Biography, C=Classics, CH=Children’s Lit, CL=Chick Lit, COM=Comedy, D=Drama, F=Fantasy, H=Historical Fiction, I=Inspirational, M=Mystery, P=Political, R=Romance, S=Suspense, SF=Science Fiction, SH=Self-Help, T=Theology, TT=Time Travel, W=Women’s Issues/Feminism, WE=Western, YA=Young Adult

Friday, December 09, 2005

Movie: Sky High (SF, C)

I love superheroes and was really looking forward to Sky High, a movie about a high school for superheroes' kids.

Basically, the son of the two most famous superheroes starts Sky High unsure of what his powers are, so he is assigned to the "hero support" (sidekick) educatonal track. He struggles with his parents' expectations, the cliques and bullies in school, an arch enemy, and his own self-doubt.

This movie was laugh out loud funny; its humor and overall tone reminded me of Mystery Men, another great superhero movie. It combined fun superpower stuff with romance, teen angst, and some great friendships, showing (rather than telling) how true friendship is more important than fitting in with the in-crowd. Honestly, the only weakness of the film was the supervillain; I thought the high school stuff, with the bullying and backstabbing, was more interesting than the Super Battle. Still, this movie was lots of fun. Grade: A-