JJ's Book and Movie Recommendations

A=Action, B=Biography, C=Classics, CH=Children’s Lit, CL=Chick Lit, COM=Comedy, D=Drama, F=Fantasy, H=Historical Fiction, I=Inspirational, M=Mystery, P=Political, R=Romance, S=Suspense, SF=Science Fiction, SH=Self-Help, T=Theology, TT=Time Travel, W=Women’s Issues/Feminism, WE=Western, YA=Young Adult

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Book: Ultra Violet (S, SF, R)

Ellen Henderson's Ultra Violet is a fast ride! Violet Marsh wakes up and can't remember anything that happened to her in the past week. She soons finds herself entangled with a security team trying to break into a lab they claim has genetically altered her. That's right, Violet can now run Very Fast and (even cooler!) can heal from wounds Very Quickly. Violet's only problem is that she violates my Terminator Rule. However, this is a minor quibble. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Grade: A